Film Institution Research

on Thursday 26 June 2014
20th Century Fox is one of the most well known film istituitions, and is responsible for many of the most popular and well acclaimed films, such as: Avatar, The A Team, Life of Pi and Titanic. The company was founded by Joseph M. Schenck and Darryl F. Zanuck in 1935. Fox are also repsonible for a large amount of popular TV series, including: The Simpsons, Family Guy, Glee, Modern Family and Bones.


Paramount is another one of the major six film institutions. It was founded in 1912 as Famous Players Film Company, but was then later founded as Paramount Pictures in 1916. Paramount is resposnible for films such as: Transformers, Thor, Paranormal Activity, The Dictator and GI Joe.

Universal Studios was founded in 1912 by: Carl Laemmle, Pat Powers, Mark Dintenfass, William Swanson, David Horsley, Charles Baumann, Adam Kessel and Jules Brulatour. Universal is responsible for films such as Mr Bean's Holiday, The Worlds End, Despicable Me, The Bourne Legacy and The Purge.

Walt Disney Pictures was founded in 1950 by Walt Disney and is respnsible for mainly children films, but it also does cover other genres. Some examples are: Toy Story, The Jungle Book, Lion King, Alice in Wonderland and UP.

Warner Brothers was founded by the four Warner brothers: Albert, Harry, Sam and Jack in 1923. WB are responsible for films such as: The Hangover, Gravity, Argo and Sherlock Holmes.


Columbia Pictures was founded in 1918 by Harry Cohn, Jack Cohn and Joe Brandt and is responsible for films such as: Captain Phillips, Skyfall, The Social Network, Salt and Superbad.


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