Poster Analysis - Skyfall

on Monday 7 July 2014

The first thing that stands out in the Skyfall poster is the fact that it is in black and white. This subverts the convention for most films which are set in a modern time period, and would help to make the film stand out. The use of the classic Aston Martin in the background helps to indicate to the viewer that it is another film in the Bond franchise, as otherwise this may not be so apparent due to the only other 'Bond' indicator being the small '007' logo underneath the films title - something which would be difficult to spot from a distance.

A long shot is used for the poster, this helps to display the film's location, which in this case is London. London being the setting is one of the film's main USPs, as it will attract British viewers, but will also attract people from other countries who are 'obsessed' with the British culture. The fact that Bond can be seen holding a gun acts as an action/adventure genre indicator, again emphasizing that the film is part of the Bond franchise and is likely to be similar. The sky in the background of the shot is largely covered by dark clouds, this acts as a metaphor for the things the Bond will come against during his adventure. This helps to explain the the viewer that Bond will be up against at least one opposing force during the film.

The actor Daniel Craig is featured in the middle of the shot, with his own body being shown, this shows that he will once again be the main character of the film - this will help to attract fans of any of the previous Bond films that Craig has been in.

The font used for the title is clear and is one of the main focus points on the poster, it is styled in silver. The colour silver is often associated with luxurious things, indicating that the film is going to be a high quality value for money film. The '007' logo is coloured in gold, the colour gold also has luxurious and indulgent connotations and would again tell the audience that it will be just as high quality as the other films in the franchise.


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